I am Laura Gozzi, a photographer specializing in newborns, children and pregnancy in Rome, who has dedicated her life and days entirely to this beautiful work since 2009, you can see some examples in the galleries by clicking on the photo shoots below.
For several years now I have identified myself with the role of mother, and my work was born precisely from this. From the love for children and from being able to capture every single detail of their naturalness.
Over the years I have aimed to specialize in the Newborn photography and children sector to always try to offer a better service, studying, doing workshops, and maternity.
Using both natural lights and studio lights, my work is focused on researching the detail of each child, his eyes, his movements and his natural spontaneity. The approach with the child is fundamental.
At first I play with him to create a relationship of trust and to allow him to feel at ease, then I let him play calmly and basically the photo shoot is just this: a game to share with me and also with their mothers and fathers!
The choice of locations and the various situations to create are the result of my inventiveness and only some of the logistical details are agreed with the parents based on the various needs of the child, for this reason I strongly want to know his habits, to
My studio is located in East Rome, in a quiet and bright environment, where in peace we can indulge ourselves in creating the funniest or most romantic photos based on the parents’ request.
Together with the mothers I choose the most suitable dresses and accessories, and I accommodate special requests, if there are any. The result of the service is a satisfaction both for me and for the mothers who I am lucky enough to know during my journey.
The auditions are chosen by the parents and then sent by me in high resolution on CD based on the choice of package. Parents are free to accept or not sign the release for the publication of the images on the site, Facebook or for the use of the photographs for competitions and advertising.